Thursday, February 27, 2025

Some poems from Harry Martinson's Natur (1934)


Argentinska slätter

Natten river smattrande sin mantel längs pampas.
Mörkrets oväder blir en dagstorm in mot Anderna.
Solen stiger ur jorden, 
ser ned på en flyende boskapshjord som 
         rusar in i horisonterna mot Tucumana.
        Gräsmarkerna åska under den uppskrämda hjorden, 
           flykten dånar som en stad: 
        en virvlande stad som jagats åt norr 
                 av Eldslandets vindar. 

Argentine plains

Night scrapes its cloak rattling across the pampas.
The tumult of darkness becomes a day storm over by the Andes.
The sun rises from the earth, 
looks down upon a fleeing herd of cattle that 
        rush into the horizons Tucumán way.
        The grasslands thunder beneath the frightened herd, 
            their flight roars like a city, 
        a flailing city harried northwards 
                 by the winds of Tierra del Fuego.


Harry Martinson visited Argentina and other S. American countries during his time as a sailor (1920 - 1927). 

The pampas is known for intense thunderstorms and severe hail. 

Tucumán province, in NW Argentina. 


La Pampa

Bakom Don Morjas estancia
började boskapshjorden med några smärre vikar,
sträckte sig sedan åt nordväst
med ett hav av oxar
och en havsbukt av kalvar.
Oceanen av muande nöt gick ända till Corrientes.

Don  Morjas blåste i fagott
på sin marmorveranda,
såg på sitt behornade hav med mätta och trötta ögon:
   "Undras om inte nordöstra viken
   räknat från brokiga kalven här framme
   snart kunde drivas mot Pasamadas' fjärran på bete?
                 Västra grenen till slakt."

La Pampa

Behind Don Morias' estancia
the herd of cattle began with a few minor inlets,
then stretched northwest
with a sea of ​​oxen
and a sea-bay of calves.
The ocean of bellowing cattle went all the way to Corrientes.

Don Morias blew his bassoon
on his marble veranda,
looked at his horned sea with replete and weary eyes:
    "I wonder if the northeastern arm
    counting from the piebald calf here
    can soon be driven towards the distant Pasamadas to pasture?
                   The western branch to slaughter."


La Pampa: province in central Argentina.
Morjas: i.e. Morias in Spanish, but it is not a common surname. (An occasional variant of Moraes or Morais, common Portuguese surnames.) 
Corrientes: province in the north of Argentina (not near La Pampa). 
Pasamadas: name unknown. 


Fattig trakt

På sommaren stodo Vendes fältkanoner
och hostade i gräset --
manöveråskorna rullade mot hembyn
och pigorna sjöngo.
Det var som om molnen rämnat
och nakna adonisynglingar regnat ned.
Nymodigheten uppslök en fattig trakt.

Barn plockade gula soldatknappar: maskros på åkern,
                                                    och togo hem --
dörrarna smällde igen för dem: -- Asch, sånt gulstrunt!
                                                    åt helsike ungar!
Pigor svängde dukar på kullarna:
Hallå, hallåååå! artillerigossar!

Poor district

In the summer, Vendes' field guns stood
and coughed in the grass --
the thunder of manoeuvres rolled towards their home village
and the maids sang.
It was as if the clouds had split
and naked Adonis children had rained down.
The novelty swallowed up a poor district.

Children picked yellow soldier buttons: dandelions in the field,
                                                        and took them home --
the doors slammed shut on them: -- Ugh, such yellow trash!
                                                        Go to hell, children!
Maids waved tablecloths on the hills:
Hello, hellooooo! artillery boys!


Vendes' field guns : referring to the Wendes Artillery Regiment (Wendes artilleriregemente), a longstanding regiment in the Swedish army (disbanded in 2000). They were garrisoned in Kristianstad (Skåne), about 40km from Jämshög (Blekinge) where Harry Martinson was born and where as a parish orphan he was placed in various farmsteads



          Minnes barndomens pigor;
          tilldels själar
          med ödsliga, sensuella ögon;
tilldels höga brösts och mäktiga länders varma
arvsmonument från forna vadmalsland. 
Slagfärdiga munnars rop i slåttern;
samsångens pigpsalm i ladugård;
drömmar på knä ibland rovor;
surmjölk i stenkrus på renen. 
Det buttra mumlet om Olga
faren i väg till Idaho.

Många tomma pigor sutto
med hängande själar;
men många sutto där stolta: undersamt barnkära
          med buttert melodiska röster
          mumlande liksom ur myter.

Där fanns pigor med jungfrudunkel,
    med legenden i schalen
    och digra frågor i hindklara ögon.
    Maria gick
    med vit andedräkt
    över världens höstkalla scen.

Där fanns gitarrens klagande himlapiga.
Den slarviga dansbanelängterskan fanns
och den obstinata flottistpigan
-- fetischdyrkare inför matrosuniformer.

Men underligast höstskymningarnas
trollska längterska,
separatorns vemodiga, tunga prästinna
som bugade och drog, bugade och drog
        den mjölkrytande Alfa-lavalen,
               med spiselden speglad
               i undrande ögon.

        Då sjöng det urtrollska bondska i sinnet
               som en tung malm.
               Buttra talade rösterna.
               Barnet låg undrande i vaggan,
               jakthunden såg upp från sin korg.
               Var det inte som sången om eviga bönder_
               Som malmen av givande jord?


          Remembering the maids of childhood;
          some of them souls
          with desolate, sensual eyes;
some of them high breasts and powerful loins
warm historic monuments from the ancient land of vadmal.
The cries of ready-made mouths in the haystack;
the singing of the young man's hymn in the barn;
dreams on his knees among turnips;
sour milk in stone jugs on the reindeer.
The sullen murmur of Olga
the father on his way to Idaho.

Many empty maids sat
with drooping souls;
but many sat there proud: strangely childlike
      with sullenly melodic voices
      mumbling as if from myths.

There were maids with virgin darkness,
      with the legend in their shawls
      and huge questions in their clear eyes.
      Maria walked
      with white breath
      over the world's autumn-cold stage.

There was the plaintive heavenly maiden of the guitar.
There was the careless dance-floor-longing girl 
and the obstinate navy maid
-- fetish worshipper of sailor uniforms.

But strangest of all was the
magical longing girl of the autumn twilights,
the melancholy, heavy priestess of the separator
who bowed and pulled, bowed and pulled
     the milk-roaring Alfa Laval,
            with the stove-fire reflected
            in her wondering eyes.

     Then sang the primordial peasantry in the mind
            like a heavy ore.
            The voices spoke sullenly.
            The child lay wondering in the cradle,
            the hunting dog looked up from its basket.
            Wasn't it like the song of eternal farmers?
            Like the ore of yielding earth?


Vadmal: a woollen fabric used for outerwear, durable and waterproof like tweed, but felted so the weave pattern is obscured. 
Alfa Laval: the company started in 1883, originally making dairy centrifuges to separate cream from milk (as in the poem), subsequently diversifying to other specialized plant in heavy industry.


Some poems by Harry Martinson from the "Grassland" section of his 1934 collection Natur.  

Nature normally takes the definite article in Swedish, i.e. naturen, literally "the Nature". So Martinson's title is a slight unmooring. 

According to his Swedish Wikipedia entry this "expressionist-tinged collection" met with a cool reception (compared with the success of its 1931 predecessor Nomad) and this led him to concentrate on prose for the next eleven years, e.g. Nässlorna blomma  (The nettles flower, 1935), about his broken childhood. 



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