Thursday, January 27, 2022

The first few preludes


For more years than I care to think I've nurtured the idea of composing 24 Preludes in all the major and minor keys. I mean, how hard can it be? A little more so when you can't write music, have no training in composition and limited self-taught technique on the chosen instrument, the guitar in this case. So treat this as a game, as I do. 

The distinguishing feature is the sequence, not following Chopin's cycle of fifths but a scheme of my own, as described here. The basic idea is that all the intervals between successive keys are different. 

In short, the scheme is:

1. C.  2. B Minor. 3. D flat. 4. B flat minor. 5 D. 6. A. 7. E flat minor. 8. G sharp minor. 
9. E. 10. G minor. 11. F. 12. F sharp minor.
13. C minor. 14. B. 15. C sharp minor. 16. B flat. 17. D minor. 18. A minor. 19 E flat. 20. A flat.
21. E minor. 22. G. 23. F minor. 24. G flat. 

I've composed about fourteen of them, I think. But this was mostly ten plus years ago and I've had to re-learn how to play them, working from distant memory and terrible recordings. 

Anyway to pass a quiet day these are the first five, as well played as I could manage.  (I would have liked to have done six, but the next one is tricky.)

Prelude No 1 in C:

Prelude No 2 in B minor:

Prelude No 3 in D flat:

Prelude No 4 in B flat minor:

Prelude No 5 in D:




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