SVT nyheter
SVT nyheter is the news channel of Swedish Television. Here's a news story from today (17th December 2018):
Mannen skryter för sin son om hur han ”sköt ihjäl en ’otrogen’”. Barnet, som är i femårsåldern, vet redan hur han ska hantera en kalasjnikov. SVT Nyheter kan i dag visa unika filmer som ger en inblick i barnfamiljers vardag i terrorns Syrien.
The man brags to his son about how he "shot down an infidel". The child in his fifth year already knows how to handle a Kalashnikov. Today SVT News can share unique footage that gives an insight into the everyday lives of families with children within the Syria of the terrorists.
På ytan ser allt normalt ut. En pappa som avslappnat packar sin väska, leker med sina barn och gör sig redo för att åka till jobbet. Ungefär som vilken svensk som helst.
On the surface everything seems normal. A relaxed dad packing his bag, playing with his child and getting himself ready to go to work. Much like any other Swede.
Men inget är normalt här.
But nothing is normal here.
But nothing is normal here.
– Jag dödade en otrogen och tog den från honom, förklarar pappan lugnt för sin son som undrar om en walkie-talkie.
"I killed an infidel and took it from him," dad explains calmly to his son, who's asking about a walkie-talkie.
"I killed an infidel and took it from him," dad explains calmly to his son, who's asking about a walkie-talkie.
SVT Nyheter kan i dag visa unikt filmmaterial som ger en inblick i IS-jihadisters vardag och familjeliv samtidigt som kriget rasar.
SVT News can today reveal unique film material that gives an insight into IS Jihadists' everyday family lives while war is raging.
SVT News can today reveal unique film material that gives an insight into IS Jihadists' everyday family lives while war is raging.
Runt 300 personer har sedan 2012 rest från Sverige för att ansluta sig till IS eller andra våldsbejakande islamistgrupper i Syrien och Irak, enligt Säpo.
Since 2012 about 300 people have journeyed from Sweden to join up with IS or similar Islamist groups committed to violence in Syria and Iraq, according to Säpo [Swedish state security police].
Since 2012 about 300 people have journeyed from Sweden to join up with IS or similar Islamist groups committed to violence in Syria and Iraq, according to Säpo [Swedish state security police].
Av dem vet vi att ett 50-tal har dött. Men mörkertalet är stort, och samtidigt fortsätter familjer att leva i krigszonen. Här finns både kvinnor och barn.
Of them we know of about 50 who are dead. But the fate of many is unrecorded, and meanwhile families continue to live in the war zone. That includes both women and children.
Of them we know of about 50 who are dead. But the fate of many is unrecorded, and meanwhile families continue to live in the war zone. That includes both women and children.
Berättar om dödsskjutningen för sin lille son
He recounts fatal shootings to his little son
I de filmer som SVT Nyheter har tagit del av och nu kan publicera syns hur två små barn, uppskattningsvis tre och fem år gamla, följer sin pappa med blicken när han förbereder sig för att kriga. Bakom kameran står mannens hustru, mamma till barnen.
In the footage from which SVT News can now publish excerpts, we see how two small children, aged about three and five, follow dad with their eyes as he prepares for war. Behind the camera stands the man's wife, mother to the children.
In the footage from which SVT News can now publish excerpts, we see how two small children, aged about three and five, follow dad with their eyes as he prepares for war. Behind the camera stands the man's wife, mother to the children.
I filmerna pratar alla svenska – och hela familjen deltar.
In the films everyone speaks in Swedish -- and the whole family take part.
In the films everyone speaks in Swedish -- and the whole family take part.
Familjen befinner sig i Syrien och kvinnan på filmen vet att det här kanske blir sista gången hon och barnen får se sin make och pappa.
The family are now in Syria and the woman in the film knows that she and her children may be seeing dad for the last time.
The family are now in Syria and the woman in the film knows that she and her children may be seeing dad for the last time.
Mannen tar på sig en skyddsväst. Magasinen till hans kalasjnikov läggs omsorgsfullt i ryggsäcken. Barnen följer varje rörelse – och hjälper till med packningen.
The man puts on a bulletproof vest. The magazine for his Kalashnikov is placed carefully into his backpack. The children follow each movement -- and help with the packing.
The man puts on a bulletproof vest. The magazine for his Kalashnikov is placed carefully into his backpack. The children follow each movement -- and help with the packing.
Walkie-talkien som mannen har i sin bröstficka har han fått från en ”otrogen”, alltså någon som inte följer IS extrema tolkning av islam. Han vänder sig till den äldsta sonen.
The man has taken the walkie-talkie in his breast pocket from an "infidel", i.e. someone who doesn't follow IS's extreme interpretation of Islam. He turns to his eldest son.
The man has taken the walkie-talkie in his breast pocket from an "infidel", i.e. someone who doesn't follow IS's extreme interpretation of Islam. He turns to his eldest son.
– Jag sköt honom här, kulan gick ut här, säger han samtidigt som han pekar på sin hals och nacke.
"I shot him here, the bullet came out here," he says, pointing to his throat and the name of his neck.
"I shot him here, the bullet came out here," he says, pointing to his throat and the name of his neck.
Pojken står tyst samtidigt som hans mamma, jihadistens fru, ger ifrån sig ett tyst skratt innan hon rådger sin make.
The boy remains silent while his mother, the Jihadist's wife, emits a quiet laugh before she reproves her partner.
The boy remains silent while his mother, the Jihadist's wife, emits a quiet laugh before she reproves her partner.
Bilderna visar IS-vardagen inifrån
Images show everyday IS existence from within
Islamiska staten är känd för sin propagandamaskin: filmklipp som gruppen spottar ur sig är i regel hårt redigerade med tuff musik, och visar ett brutalt och besinningslöst dödande.
Islamic State is known for its propaganda machine: the typical film-clips that the group puts out are heavily edited, backed by strident music, and show brutal and ruthless killing.
Islamic State is known for its propaganda machine: the typical film-clips that the group puts out are heavily edited, backed by strident music, and show brutal and ruthless killing.
De filmer som SVT Nyheter kan visa i dag är privata och osminkade. De ger en unik inblick i hur vardagen ser ut för personer som anslutit sig till terrorsekten IS. Det här är inte gruppens propaganda riktad till omvärlden, utan en vardagsskildring – inifrån.
The footage that SVT News can show today is private and unvarnished. It gives a unique insight into how everyday life seems for people who joined the terrorist group IS. This is not the group's propaganda addressed to the outside world, but a portrait of daily life -- from within.
The footage that SVT News can show today is private and unvarnished. It gives a unique insight into how everyday life seems for people who joined the terrorist group IS. This is not the group's propaganda addressed to the outside world, but a portrait of daily life -- from within.
En pappa lär sin son att skjuta med en luftpistol och prisa gud. Måltavlan: ett paket kalaspuffar.
A dad teaches his son to shoot with an air-pistol and praise God. The target: a packet of Sugar Puffs.
A dad teaches his son to shoot with an air-pistol and praise God. The target: a packet of Sugar Puffs.
I en annan scen tar en kvinna i niqab upp ett hagelgevär samtidigt som det hörs babyjoller i bakgrunden. Filmen utspelar sig utanför Aleppo där det precis har bombats.
In another scene a woman in a niqab picks up a shotgun while a baby cooing is heard in the background. The video was taken in a spot outside Aleppo that has just been bombed.
In another scene a woman in a niqab picks up a shotgun while a baby cooing is heard in the background. The video was taken in a spot outside Aleppo that has just been bombed.
– Nu ska vi titta på när mamma gör jihad, säger kvinnan bakom kameran.
Now we'll watch while Mummy does jihad, says the woman behind the camera.
Now we'll watch while Mummy does jihad, says the woman behind the camera.
– Coolt, replikerar hon som precis skjutit.
"Cool," she replies as she fires.
"Cool," she replies as she fires.
Bebis på sängen – i närheten av vapen
Baby on the bed -- beside the weapons
Tillbaka hos den första familjen ser vi hur mamman hejar på sin make medan sonen förklarar för sin pappa hur han ska använda sin automatkarbin för att skjuta ”otrogna” på ett så effektivt sätt som möjligt.
Back with first family, we watch as mum greets her partner while the son explains to dad how he should use his assault rifle to shoot the "infidels" in the most effective way possible.
Back with first family, we watch as mum greets her partner while the son explains to dad how he should use his assault rifle to shoot the "infidels" in the most effective way possible.
I samma sekvens ligger en bebis på en säng, inte långt ifrån ett stort gevär. På bilder syns även en man med en barnvagn.
I dag har familjen återvänt till Sverige och barnen har börjat skolan. Hur många barn det egentligen är som har vuxit upp på IS-kontrollerat område är i princip omöjligt att säga.
In the same sequence a baby lies on the bed, not far from a large rifle. The images also show a man with a pushchair. Today the family have returned to Sweden and the children have started school. How many children there are who have grown up in IS-controlled territory is basically impossible to say.
In the same sequence a baby lies on the bed, not far from a large rifle. The images also show a man with a pushchair. Today the family have returned to Sweden and the children have started school. How many children there are who have grown up in IS-controlled territory is basically impossible to say.
Men såväl experter som lokalbefolkning i de områden där IS tvingats tillbaka är eniga om att gruppens inflytande över en hel generation unga, är ett av IS mest oroande arv. Enligt Säpo har omkring 150 personer återvänt till Sverige från Syrien och Irak.
But both experts and those with local knowledge of the region to which IS has been driven back are agreed that the group's influence over a whole generation of children is one of it's most disturbing legacies. According to Säpo around 150 people have returned to Sweden from Syria and Iraq.
See also:
Different interpretations of social care for IS returners in Göteborg and Stockholm (18/12/2018)
But both experts and those with local knowledge of the region to which IS has been driven back are agreed that the group's influence over a whole generation of children is one of it's most disturbing legacies. According to Säpo around 150 people have returned to Sweden from Syria and Iraq.
See also:
Different interpretations of social care for IS returners in Göteborg and Stockholm (18/12/2018)
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