VERDOLAGA is what we have
or VERDULAGA? leaves now
PORTULACA is what we had last
time leaves
HIERBABUENA garden mint
(MENTA POLEO peppermint)
he undid his serviette, put it on his lap & the strong
breeze just blew it away. then he looked
down in non-plused surprise - he hadn't worked
out it would fly away! Does this remind you
of anyone? No - oh . . .
( I'm stronger )
( than master, ) A Day out for Hot Dog
( but I'll let him win )
Laúra swam from Fisherman's Cove
to Seaweed Cove on Thurs. Now it's
Sat & we're at Seaweed Cove again
but v. rough sea. Played in waves
but no swimming, too much strong
backwash & rocky shores
nearby. Jovial tons of sea
exploded over us it was brill
& a bit dodgy. I dived into
the wave like a manlysurfer , Laúra
just floated up & over .
Wet seaweed piles , seaweed 3
in tea, are there any poisonous
seaweeds? Laúra back down at
the edge to cool down, got a
big wave straight away , then
got gooseys , streak & runnels
of seawater down her back
then I needed a wee so I
had to go and get between
the rocks wedged under the
wave ( my bottom half) and
discreetly suffer the foaming
wrath of the waves while L.
took photos (nb I was not the
first 4
Big tattoo, big muscles
el Capitán Round rocks sloosh
sea bin
sandhollow dragged
flame skyway straw hat Pilar twisted
the rusty nut blend clouded Euro digest
his hands went long & striated like
Shredded Wheat while pearly light
gleamed off the milk in a plastic
birch steel dogbowl and the light
haunted the cut glass jewels wine
ruby & church emerald in my
grandmother's ear-rings -- I surprised
repeating myself & if I only knew how
to get this far I'd have time to search
(Wheeze 5
Would you like to lie here like Snow Patrol
& get absorbed in a book?
Panima Vollkornbrot:
Zutaten: Roggenvollkornschrot (59%), Wasser, Salz.
Ingredientes: harina integral de centeno, aqual, sal.
Very nice despite minimal ingredients -- 8/10.
Panima Pumpernickel:
Ingredientes: Pan especial, grano de centeno, agua,
colorante caramelo, mejorante autorizado,
antioxidante E-300, sal y levadura.
Hergestellt unter lizens der GERMANIA BROTFABRIKEN
7/10 - Good form and separability of slices, good
texture, but sweetness a bit cloying.a ♫ page of pumpernickels ♫
sang Skalle, reappearing serially & with
usualness in consequence, scornful of
everything but a finished & profitable line.
"Oh a serial, my word, I repeat what
I said before, & here stands the hero
puzzling where to go & now additionally
perplexed about being back, the
woolgathering nitwit, as welcome as
wintry clothes at a bootsale in July."
Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla) ♂ flowers brown tending to coral
actually hangs more horizontally, drooping
Each scale is a fringed lozenge
with a stalk attaching it to
comfort of central stem of cone, plus
middle-aged around 6 other drooping bits -->
looking through lenses,
like my Dad.Theory & Practice of ClothsLaúra show me how to rinse out the milk-carrying
bottle in about 5 secs using hardly any water.
I had been filling it up pointlessly to no effect.
"It's so frustrating," she says, "such cackhand-
edness. Such
Slow, laborious, wrong ness."